With the NDS3 add-on kit the NIBO 2 robot is able to measure exactly distances to different objects in a range from 10 cm up to 80 cm. The sensor can be turned around up to 180 degree by a servo. Thus the robot can locate in a room and he can also determinate e.g. the distance to a wall. With the help of a clever program code you can map areas and get a localisation.

The add-on module has an ATtiny84 as microcontroller for data handling and communicates with the NIBO 2 by an I²C-interface. The ATtiny84 can be programmed with the 6-pole ISP-interface. On an integrated breadboard the user can build own circuits. To control these own circuits, there are 6 signals of the ATtiny84 and 4 signals of the ATmega128 available.

Additional the ATtiny84 controller has an integrated temperature sensor. This sensor can be controlled with the I²C-bus.


Further Informations:


reichelt elektronik
reichelt elektronik GmbH & Co. KG
ELV elektronik
ELV Elektronik AG
Brack Electronics AG