With the Graphic-Display add-on BGX1 the NIBObee gets a graphic display with background lighting, four LEDs and four buttons for interaction with the user. The display allows the presentation of current sensor values in text-form and their graphic representation. The programmer gets direct feedback which simplifies the developement process.
The four additional buttons can be used to call user defined functions.

Datei:NIBObee mit BGX1.jpg

Technical Data:

  • 128*64 Pixel
  • ATmega88, 8MHz with function-library
  • 4 buttons
  • 4 LEDs
  • Connection to NIBObee by I²C interface

Further Informations:


reichelt elektronik
reichelt elektronik GmbH & Co. KG
ELV elektronik
ELV Elektronik AG
Brack Electronics AG